This section contains articles of personal opinion pieces. The language may get a little salty around the blogs, so arm yourselves with talcum powder before reading.
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Naming and shaming 01229 846236, a worthy addition to anybody’s blocked caller list.
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Say what? A blog post that has nothing at all to do with electrics? What gives??
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It seems everybody who manufactures LED floodlights makes the same basic pain-in-the-arse mistakes... with the possible exception of Timeguard...
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Just how did we poor dumb tradespeople ever do business without it? Or, to put it another way, how are we poor dumb tradespeople still doing business without it? Well, personally speaking, I'm doing just fine thanks.
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Did you know you can control your heating and lighting from your smart phone?
Although... uh... why on earth would you want to?